牛人春节买两元火车票回家 苍天大地我要回家

春运开始了,老百姓用尽办法买票,可内部人员竟然可以买到2块钱的票。这要怎样解释呢?苍天大地我要回家。 During the Spring Festival began, people run out a way to buy tickets, but insiders could buy tickets for the $2. This how to explain? Heaven the earth I want to go home.
春运开始了,老百姓用尽办法买票,可内部人员竟然可以买到2块钱的票。这要怎样解释呢?苍天大地我要回家。 During the Spring Festival began, people run out a way to buy tickets, but insiders could buy tickets for the $2. This how to explain? Heaven the earth I want to go home.